Now these statments could apply to a whole lot of things, but the matter in question was the very political/economic edifice that dominates the world today, and the apparent contradiction between the values it proselytises of freedom and democracy and God-fearing JudeoChristianity with the real world effects of the system, which are undeniably endless war, environmental destruction, and economic exploitation of the mass of humanity.
So let me recapituate the statement of the problem with regard to Whither? and Whence? the current, dominant socio-religious, political, and economic power structure in the world today:
"It is our construct that is wrong. We do not understand the system and the goals of the system."
I suggest that the key to answering this knotty problem may readily be found in the writings of one Major General J.F.C. Fuller.
Now besides being a very modern British Major General, Fuller is a widely published analyst and historian of war, with several books to his credit on topics such as the American Civil War, World War II, and the tactics and strategy of modern tank warfare. Indeed, even though his theories of tank warfare were too advanced for the British to accept, the Panzer tank divisions under Germany's General Rommel put them to use in the Afrika Korps, wreaking havoc.
Besides being advisor to England's Edward VIII, Major General JFC Fuller was also the artist behind some rather strikingly psychedelic, occult mandalic paintings (see right), and was a card-carrying Crowleyite.
Of particular interest in answering the question at hand, is Fuller's 92 page book Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah. In this book a clear answer to the question may be had.
From Fuller's occult treatise Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah, this excerpt is from Chapter II, entitled Free Will, p. 44-5:
"Satan, as we call this power, is in fact the Tree of Life of our world, that free will which for its very existence depends on the clash of the positive and negative forces which in the moral sphere we call good and evil. Satan is therefore the Shekinah..."*
*[Note: for those who may not know, the Shekinah is the name Cabalists give the 'spirit of God', that which resides in the Holy of Holies, the Tabernacle on the Temple Mount. Some authors also claim that the attack on Iraq named "Shock 'n Awe", was a Qabalist military insider's pun on Shekinah.]
Back up a minute. Fuller continued:
"Satan is therefore the Shekinah of Assiah, the World of Action, the perpetual activity of the Divine Essence, the Light which was created on the first day and which in the form of consciousness and intelligence can produce an overpowering brilliance equal to the intensest darkness. Satan is also the Flaming Sword which brought light from heaven."
"The understanding of this power, whether in the physical, moral, or intellectual planes, is called science, and the misunderstanding of it is frequently called magic."
Um,well that's sort of Promethean and all. But wait, there's more.
From Fuller's Qabalah, Chapter IV, The Fall of Tetragrammaton, p. 51:
"In the account of the creation in Genesis the Androgenic Man appears on the sixth day, that is at the end of the creation, because he symbolizes its totality and completion and six is the number of the Great Work; 666 being also its number in the vital, intellectual, and spiritual planes, the Vau extended from Malkuth to Kether."
Now, hold on just a minute! Say what?
More from Fuller's Qabalah, Chapter IV, The Fall of Tetragrammaton, p. 54:
"In order to understand this we will repeat it again: good is a means of balancing out evil, and evil a means of balancing out good. Neither is desirable in itself except in the Material World, which cannot exist without them; equally, the Spiritual World cannot be entered as long as they exist; consequently their adverseness is purely relative to the Spiritual World. Further on in this book we will show that the power of using either is drawn from the same source - Shin, Shekinah, Astral Light, Ether, Electricity, whatever name it may be called by - and to understand the use of this force, yet never to be obsessed by it, is to trample on the head of the Serpent and so re-establish the Shin in the body of Tetragrammaton and formulate the Messiah, the Incarnate Word which when disincarnated caused the Assiatic World to be."
"In brief, this is the central doctrine of the Qabalistic Redemption; yet so dangerous did this doctrine appear, should it be divulged to the uninitiated, that to safeguard it it was locked away in a jumble of symbols, names, figures, and cryptograms which are frequently contradictory. The danger was that this philosophy not only harmonized good and evil, but maintained that all goodness proceeds from evil. Mystically this means a return of man to God, but by the ignorant it might easily be interpreted as meaning the doing of evil for the sake of spiritual gain."
He said it.
Fuller, that is.
Well, I guess you can count me among the ignorant, but to me this seems pretty freakin' crystal clear.
And it seems to explain why our (sic) politicians can smile and utter platitudes, all the while causing death and chaos throughout the world. They actually believe they are doing “God’s” work.
In that sense they are not hypocrites, just psychopathically deranged inhabitants of an enclosed delusional system.
Unless you happen to believe yourself that this doctrine accurately describes reality. In that case our fearless leaders are not delusional, but just plain folks.
Now I know there's beaucoup skepticism on this score to go around, but let's just use good ol' Wm. of Ockham's razor for a moment:
If this doctrine doesn't explain why the PTB are reveling in death and chaos the world over, and still smiling their Betty Crocker, Quaker Oats, and Uncle Ben's smiles every night on the tube, then what, pray tell, does?
A candy bar and a bottle of pop to the first person who can provide a more simple, straightforward explanation that covers the known facts.
Spelling won't be counted against you, but:
Ignorance, or incompetence will not be accepted as an answer.
That is way too facile. I got over that one a few years ago.
Had me fooled for decades.
The world as we know it is not as we know it.
Of particular interest in answering the question at hand, is Fuller's 92 page book Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah. In this book a clear answer to the question may be had.
From Fuller's occult treatise Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah, this excerpt is from Chapter II, entitled Free Will, p. 44-5:
"Satan, as we call this power, is in fact the Tree of Life of our world, that free will which for its very existence depends on the clash of the positive and negative forces which in the moral sphere we call good and evil. Satan is therefore the Shekinah..."*
*[Note: for those who may not know, the Shekinah is the name Cabalists give the 'spirit of God', that which resides in the Holy of Holies, the Tabernacle on the Temple Mount. Some authors also claim that the attack on Iraq named "Shock 'n Awe", was a Qabalist military insider's pun on Shekinah.]
Back up a minute. Fuller continued:
"Satan is therefore the Shekinah of Assiah, the World of Action, the perpetual activity of the Divine Essence, the Light which was created on the first day and which in the form of consciousness and intelligence can produce an overpowering brilliance equal to the intensest darkness. Satan is also the Flaming Sword which brought light from heaven."
"The understanding of this power, whether in the physical, moral, or intellectual planes, is called science, and the misunderstanding of it is frequently called magic."
Um,well that's sort of Promethean and all. But wait, there's more.
From Fuller's Qabalah, Chapter IV, The Fall of Tetragrammaton, p. 51:
"In the account of the creation in Genesis the Androgenic Man appears on the sixth day, that is at the end of the creation, because he symbolizes its totality and completion and six is the number of the Great Work; 666 being also its number in the vital, intellectual, and spiritual planes, the Vau extended from Malkuth to Kether."
Now, hold on just a minute! Say what?
More from Fuller's Qabalah, Chapter IV, The Fall of Tetragrammaton, p. 54:
"In order to understand this we will repeat it again: good is a means of balancing out evil, and evil a means of balancing out good. Neither is desirable in itself except in the Material World, which cannot exist without them; equally, the Spiritual World cannot be entered as long as they exist; consequently their adverseness is purely relative to the Spiritual World. Further on in this book we will show that the power of using either is drawn from the same source - Shin, Shekinah, Astral Light, Ether, Electricity, whatever name it may be called by - and to understand the use of this force, yet never to be obsessed by it, is to trample on the head of the Serpent and so re-establish the Shin in the body of Tetragrammaton and formulate the Messiah, the Incarnate Word which when disincarnated caused the Assiatic World to be."
"In brief, this is the central doctrine of the Qabalistic Redemption; yet so dangerous did this doctrine appear, should it be divulged to the uninitiated, that to safeguard it it was locked away in a jumble of symbols, names, figures, and cryptograms which are frequently contradictory. The danger was that this philosophy not only harmonized good and evil, but maintained that all goodness proceeds from evil. Mystically this means a return of man to God, but by the ignorant it might easily be interpreted as meaning the doing of evil for the sake of spiritual gain."
He said it.
Fuller, that is.
Well, I guess you can count me among the ignorant, but to me this seems pretty freakin' crystal clear.
And it seems to explain why our (sic) politicians can smile and utter platitudes, all the while causing death and chaos throughout the world. They actually believe they are doing “God’s” work.
In that sense they are not hypocrites, just psychopathically deranged inhabitants of an enclosed delusional system.
Unless you happen to believe yourself that this doctrine accurately describes reality. In that case our fearless leaders are not delusional, but just plain folks.
Now I know there's beaucoup skepticism on this score to go around, but let's just use good ol' Wm. of Ockham's razor for a moment:
If this doctrine doesn't explain why the PTB are reveling in death and chaos the world over, and still smiling their Betty Crocker, Quaker Oats, and Uncle Ben's smiles every night on the tube, then what, pray tell, does?
A candy bar and a bottle of pop to the first person who can provide a more simple, straightforward explanation that covers the known facts.
Spelling won't be counted against you, but:
Ignorance, or incompetence will not be accepted as an answer.
That is way too facile. I got over that one a few years ago.
Had me fooled for decades.
The world as we know it is not as we know it.